
be strong, even if all goes wrong...

alone and empty

Kategori: this is my life

  • "People change, memories don't"

  • "It's better to be alone, than feel ignored"

  • "At this rate, i'm gonna end up alone"

  • "I will be okey, just not today"

  • "Surrounded by people, completely alone"

  • "I am alone. No one is here inside my head to keep me company. I am alone alone alone"

  • "It's that feeling you get when you start thinking that nobody wants you, nobody needs you and nobody loves you"

  • "You sit alone at night and ask yourself just when did all this pain begin?"

  • "I'm tired of being alone"

  • "I wish I were not so good at being alone"

  • "Alone? It's okej, at least you can rest your head on you own shoulder"

  • "Dont want to be alone anymore"

  • "Sometimes I think it's meant for me to be alone"

  • "I'm alone and feeling empty. I'm torn apart inside"


people change


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